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How To Differentiate A Pure Handloom Saree From A Fake One?

How To Differentiate A Pure Handloom Saree From A Fake One?

Silk is a fabric which demands utmost care, especially if it is pure. In this article, we are going to tell you some amazing tests to learn how you could differentiate between a fake saree and an imitation from a real one. Anyone who owns traditional silk sari obviously takes good care of them; would have carefully wrapped the saree in a muslin cloth so that it might not ruin....

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How To Preserve Your Handloom Saree And Savor It To The Next Generation?

How To Preserve Your Handloom Saree And Savor It To The Next Generation?

Indian attires have a unique place in the pages of history. Some antique and rare weaves like Paithini or Patan Patola are some of the sarees designs that beautify the almirah. This kind of rare weaves needs to be taken care of and preserved for a long time to the generations to come. Many of us might have already been aware of the main points that are to be remembered...

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The Journey From Silkworms To Silk Sarees

The Journey From Silkworms To Silk Sarees

Silk is something which is considered to be one of the best symbols of royalty and luxury for every woman out there. Silk cloth is not only known for its lustrous shiny look and the soft feel it gives on wearing but also because it has many major excellent properties of cloth type in itself. Silk is generally known as 'Resham' in the Eastern and Northern parts of India. In...

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